$97.00 USD



  1. Thank you for accepting my offer to present services to you. By placing an order, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions and agree that the placement of an order together with these terms and conditions forms a contract between you (herein referred to as ‘the Client’) and MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Coach” or “Company”.)
  2. These services are provided by MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC, Coaching by Coach, MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC (herein ‘the Coach’). Coaching may address specific personal projects, business outcomes or general conditions in the client’s personal and/or professional life. Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling. Services may include, but not be limited to, values clarification, business brainstorming, identifying, and creating plans, examining modes of operating and teaching tools to assist personal transformation.
  3. Throughout the coaching relationship, your Coach will engage in very direct and personal, evocative questions. For the coaching to be powerful and transformational, your Coach will be honest and straightforward in asking evocative questions and the client agrees to fully participate in the process. This may include, but not be limited to, attending all sessions on time, completing all set ‘integration work’ and reading/watching/listening to external material as directed by the coach.
  4. Some packages come with private sessions which will be outlined in your Offer Letter. Unless otherwise agreed, it is the client’s responsibility to schedule via the scheduling link and call the Coach. Each session will be conducted via Zoom, unless otherwise agreed to by both parties. Number of sessions and duration of call are outlined in your Offer Letter.
  5. Coaching calls made late will be deducted from the scheduled session time frame. Cancellations within a 24-hour period will be considered as a ‘completed’ coaching session.  Please make sure to attend your sessions or reschedule them with 24 advance warning.


  1. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We are also committed to effectively managing the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information for the purpose of our business activities in accordance with Arizona State Law.
  2. The coach promises the client that all information provided is strictly confidential. No information or content shall be released to any persons, including spouse or immediate family, except at the client’s request. Your willingness to be truthful, open, and vulnerable are paramount to your coaching success.
  3. For coaching purposes only, all private sessions may be recorded digitally and provided to you after your coaching session. Your Coach will keep these files only for the duration of this agreement. All files will then be destroyed. These recordings are entirely for the benefit of the coach/client relationship.
  4. For group coaching sessions, you hereby agree your likeness and images, either in audio, video, or photos may be used for educational, marketing, or any purpose that we deem fit without your prior approval.

Time and Place

Your payment of the investment to MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC MANIFESTING MIRACLES PROGRAM, entitles you to receive: GROUP Coaching Calls as well as access to all of MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC’s digital products.

  1. Group Coaching Sessions with MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC as outlined in Offer Letter.
  3. One offs, Giveaways, or shorter-term coaching packages are to be used as described on www.maicalev.com.
  4. Group Sessions each month as outlined in your Offer Letter.
  5. Private Community.
  6. Private coaching calls are to be booked in advance by you via the scheduling link. Sessions are to be spaced every 7-10 days to allow you time to complete the integration work and action items.  
  7. You are invited to the Group Coaching calls which are a set schedule and can only be rescheduled by MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC. Advanced notice will be given to the group should MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC need to reschedule.  
  8. Infinite 1x Weekly Q & A’s to be held in the Private Community.
  9. 1 Retreat Fee Waived per year (cost of location and travel are at the expense of the CLIENT.)  

Investment (USD)

  1. You must pay to MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY, LLC in consideration of the services an investment of the following:
  1.   $_________
  2.   Or as otherwise agreed upon in writing by MAI CALEV COACHING/CONSCIOUS CREATOR ACADEMY LLC.
  1. Payment made under this agreement must be made by the means specified in the order.
  2. Payments made by Credit Card are subject to a 1.75% payment fee.
  3. Payments by PayPal are subject to a 3.0% payment fee.
  4. Receipts can be tailored to suit your business/taxation needs.


  1. Unless a promotional rate or time frame has been accepted, the client has 24 hrs. of placing the order to contact us via email at (NEED TO DISCUSS GETTING PERSONALIZED EMAIL WITH MARNE RATHER THAN GMAIL) to cancel the order. After this date, a refund can only be issued as defined below.
  2. We may cancel the coaching services for any reason by written notice to you. We will refund you the investment that you have actually paid to us (minus any commissions that may have been paid to 3rd parties) within 30 days of giving you notice of cancellation. We shall have no further liability in respect of the cancellation.
  3. The coach is committed to providing you with exceptional results such that we offer a 14-day action-based guarantee.   Our refund policy is as follows: Customers are entitled to a full refund if they complete all action items from weeks 1, 2, and 3 (as defined below) in the training program and email the completed worksheets and items to (NEED TO DISCUSS GETTING PERSONALIZED EMAIL WITH MARNE RATHER THAN GMAIL) which holds people accountable to doing the work and getting results. Worksheets and documents must be sent to (NEED TO DISCUSS GETTING PERSONALIZED EMAIL WITH MARNE RATHER THAN GMAIL)within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase.  If customers do not complete the action items and send them to (NEED TO DISCUSS GETTING PERSONALIZED EMAIL WITH MARNE RATHER THAN GMAIL) they are not entitled to a refund.  If customers, ask after 14 days they are not entitled to a refund. 
  4. Action items are described as: 1. Watching and completing modules 1-3, and action items 1-3, 2. Join the Private Community and engage (like, comment, and post) within that group, 3. Submit your action items to your coach, 4. Attend all calls including Masterminds, and Q&A’s. If after completing these steps and submitting your work to your coach, you will have the opportunity to have a call to discuss your concerns with your coach to determine your eligibility for a refund. If we determine you are eligible for a refund, you will receive 100% of your purchase back within 90 days.  

Infinite Access to Group 1x Weekly Group Coaching Calls and Digital Library:

  1. Definition of "Infinite Access": "Infinite access" refers to the access provided to participants in the mastermind container (“Manifesting Miracles”) for the duration of the container's active operation, subject to the conditions outlined in these terms and conditions.


  1. Right to Modify or Terminate Services: The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Group 1x week calls and digital library services at any time, for any reason, and without prior notice. Participants acknowledge that "infinite access" does not guarantee the perpetual existence of these services.


  1. Non-Transferable and Non-Assignable: The access to Group 2x week calls and the digital library provided as part of the mastermind container is non-transferable and non-assignable. Participants agree not to transfer or assign their access to any other individual or entity.


  1. No Refund Obligations: In the event of any changes, termination, or discontinuation of services, the Company is not obligated to provide refunds to participants. Participants understand that "infinite access" is subject to the conditions outlined in these terms and conditions.


  1. Disclaimer of Liability: Participants agree that the Company will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by any modification, suspension, or termination of services, or in case the Company is unable to continue the services due to unforeseen events, such as the incapacity or death of the Company's owner or operators.


  1. Notice of Changes: The Company will make reasonable efforts to provide participants with advance notice of significant changes, such as the discontinuation of services, via email or through a notice on the mastermind container platform.


  1. Alternative Offerings: The Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to offer alternative services or compensation to participants in the event of significant changes or termination of services.


  1. Jurisdiction and Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Arizona, United States. Any disputes arising from or related to the mastermind container shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Arizona, United States.

By participating in the mastermind container, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions regarding "infinite access" to Group 1x week calls and the digital library. The Company encourages participants to review these terms regularly for any updates or changes. If participants do not agree with these terms, they should refrain from participating in the mastermind container.


You Acknowledge:

  1. That neither we, nor any of our representatives or any person we engage, perform the services as an investment advisor or licensed by ASIC or any other governmental authority to provide investment advice.
  2. That the seminar service does not purport to provide investment advice or operate an investment advice business (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001)
  3. That neither the Company,, nor any of our representatives or any person we engage, perform the services as advice as professional mental health therapist, or therapist of any kind. For these matters, please seek professional medical advice from a third party. Our focus in your coaching is to help you get results in the present and in the future.

Elevate Awareness: A Journey into Expanding Your Consciousness

What you'll get: 

  • 3 Week Pre-Recorded, Self-Paced Learning Experience
  • Lifetime Membership and access to this material. You can go back as often as you like.
  • 3 – Pre-recorded coaching sessions that can be found at the end of each module.
  • A PDF guide/workbook to journal thoughts and notes.

What People Are Saying:

"This program has truly been an eye opener for me. Within the first coaching call, I had several moments of awareness that helped me to gain clarity on my health and why I have/had been dealing with certain health issues. The next major shift for me was the creation and manifestation of a new (used) car for me that I did not know at the time how it was going to come about or how I was going to pay for it. I practiced some of the principles I learned in this course, and sure enough, it worked! I would recommend this coaching program to anyone who feels they may be stuck, or desires the ability to dream again. It is very uplifting, motivational, eye opening, and Mai Calev is a terrific life coach! You will love this program."

Sandy P, Phoenix, AZ

I would recommend Mai Calev and the Conscious Thought, Conscious Creation course. The course was a 12-week self-study course with a weekly group-coaching call. The course was very informative. One of the biggest golden nuggets that I received from going through this course was the power of my thoughts and words. Particularly my words, and since taking this course, I spend time thinking about the words I use when I talk to others, as well as the words I use when I am talking to myself. Mai did a fantastic job of assisting us with the course materials with encouragement and uplifting guidance. Mai would even make herself available for one-on-one calls when the need arose. I would recommend this course to anyone.

Robin, Prescott, AZ

Your Conscious Thought, Conscious Creation, Dream Builder Class has been life changing. Now, instead of instant anger and hard feelings, I am stepping back and wondering what caused that person to say or do this. I am looking inside to see what caused me to react to it the way I am or did. I am discovering that my dream includes discovery of true self and dispelling old untrue versions of myself to allow me to see the true greatness I really can achieve. Thank you for the inspiration and support you have provided during this journey. I recommend this class to everyone!!!

Nina, Phoenix, AZ

This is more than a Dream Builder program! Mai Calev is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met. Her skills helped me to gain the courage to face areas of my life that I had kept carefully shielded from the light of love and faith. She continues to follow up and encourage further spiritual growth. Her healing capabilities are beyond comparison. I recommend Mai Calev Coaching for anyone who is ready to get serious about embarking on the life they have been dreaming of, even if those dreams are buried so deep that they have lost touch with them. I am so grateful for the life I live now, and Mai was instrumental in its creation.

Summer, Gainesville, FL