Prosperity Principle -5 The Principle of Receiving

During the webinar for Prosperity Principle #5, The Principle of Receiving, you learned that "Giving is the first fundamental law of life; it is the first law of creation." You also learned that you activate the Principle of Receiving through the Spirit of Giving.
The attitude of "getting" is the law of life in a congested state or repressed action. In a state of limited understanding of this Principle, some people reason that they must receive before they can give – and then they continue on the same path as before learning the Principle. When the idea of “getting” remains foremost in your thoughts you shut out the Spirit of Giving. So long as “getting” remains the dominant Ruling State of Mind, that mind is in a congested state or repressed state limited in its action, according to the fundamental law of creation.
Is it giving and receiving or prayer and blessing? The radio helps greatly to explain the process of the law of giving and receiving, or prayer and blessing. The principles involved are very similar. They are the same, except that one is mechanical and the other mental. When a radio station sends out a broadcast, a vibration is stirred up in the air, that goes forth to accomplish what it will. The broadcaster has nothing more to do with it after it has been projected. The ether, or the air carries the vibrations to any station capable of receiving and reproducing it. When we pray, we stir up a vibration with our desires. This vibration is received by a force determined according to the power, purpose, and sincerity, of our prayers.
You need not keep praying; but, you do need to increase your beliefs and expectations. After forming a definite, clear outline of your desire, then release your thoughts God-ward – let it go – like throwing a ball out with no string or rubber attached to bring it back to you. Have you heard the expression, “Let go and let God?” This is the same principle. And if you recall in last month’s Prosperity Principle of Attraction, Desire and Expectation are at the core of that Prosperity Principle. What happens, generally, is that when it comes to more important things and larger desires in life, we fail to release our desires and prayers as readily as we do the smaller things. Anxiety and tension block the energy of receiving, and nothing worthwhile is accomplished. The mind is like a sponge. We squeeze it hard with our anxious thoughts, but not until we can release the pressure and allow the sponge to take its normal shape can it become absorbent and receptive again.
When you work with the Principle of Receiving, you are working with a Principle that is definite and active.
Once you have expressed your needs through prayer, there is more work to do. The law of life upon which this principle is based is written as, “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over.” Giving always precedes and predetermines the reception, whether you are giving your thought, your word, your service, your deed, or your substance.
It is more blessed to give than to receive. As you freely give, you freely receive. Unless we freely extend and/or give out our desire, our good, this Prosperity Principle will not have any pattern to work with. It cannot continue to supply our needs without a pattern. Think of the Universal Law of Circulation. Many people try to work with the law backward and get little to no results. Then, they say to themselves, "Well, after I get whatever, then I will give. If you desire any good thing, you must first give some good to build upon.
Prosperity Principle of Receiving #5 “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over.” ~Luke 6:38~
Some people believe that we should be giving ½ the time and receiving 1/2 the time. The Principle doesn't work that way. If you are attempting to balance it out like that. It’s like hot and cold; they are two sides to the same coin (Principle). If you concentrate on cold and hope, pray, and plead, to get heat, you are likely to freeze to death. What you must do is give all your thought and effort toward building a fire or seeking something that will create heat to warm you. If you concentrate only on receiving, and not "giving" any thought, idea, desire, or substance to build upon – like in the example of creating a source for warmth, you in like manner may freeze to death.
You shouldn't just give willy-nilly, either. There is a right way to give and a wrong way to give. This is where most of us fall short. There is a careless, impulsive giving and there is a careful scientific way of giving. When we give to a person or group of persons where we are blocking or delaying their growth and learning, we are wasting our substance. Where we give to one who doesn’t put forth the effort to help themselves, we need not expect a good return.
A practical interpretation of this principle is, that when you see someone making an effort to help themselves, that is the time to assist them, but do not give your substance to anyone who will not help themselves or at least, make an effort. Even Jesus said, ”Do not throw your pearls before swine…”
Do not cast your pearls away. If, in your giving, there is no principle of good in some measure, no matter how small, to add to, then you are casting your pearls away. You will misuse your substance. You can not build something from nothing and expect something in return.
Tithing can be a successful form of giving. You may be wondering why tithing would be more potent than any other form of giving. It is more potent because you touch the Law of Giving and Receiving in a definite, orderly, and systematic way of giving. You establish a methodical plan of giving which creates a steady flow of reciprocal good to be received. When one’s method of giving is sporadic or occasional, one’s reception of good is irregular and uncertain.
Remember, it is not the money you give; it is the idea behind the giving that is so vital. If you give money and the idea is wholly one of bargaining, your mind is not free; therefore, your results cannot be free and fully flowing.
Tithing, no matter what you may think about it, tends to align you with the Law of Giving and your results will be in proportion to the honesty, sincerity, and Spirit of Giving. Giving is not found only in the form of money. We can give of our time give of our ideas etc. I tithe in the form of donations to Family Life Radio because I enjoy the music. You can tithe in whatever way resonates with you, so long as the intention is in the Spirit of Giving, and not with the expectation of receiving behind it.
The Spirit of Giving automatically aligns us with receiving. After we give, that is not all we must do. Our next step is to prepare to receive the response or results of our giving to receive. The law states good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
Our preparation shows our active faith. Instead of idly waiting, we are preparing and working. This, in turn, enlarges our view. It stimulates our interest, disperses our doubt and fear, and energizes our magnetic power of reception. It transmutes and transforms energy.
The key to the Principle is that we are continually drawing into life what we give and expect.
Whether we attract good or bad, it is governed by the same principle. Many failures, and too many to demonstrate are because we do not hold our expectations to keep pace with our desires. Very often, we desire one thing and expect in our hearts another, which creates confusion. The Master said, “A house divided cannot stand.” When the mind is confused, there is no cooperation, nor is there a united force to attract with the strength that is required. Positive, radiating, thoughts, will drive away all clouds of doubt and fear with confident expectation that all things will work out right. You operate a law that can and will make all matters right. There is a power within each of us that is greater than any difficulty we can ever meet, and that power will always see us through.
I have been asked, can I desire things not ready for me to have? Can I ask too much of the Principle? Does the Principle withhold things from me which are not for my good? The answer to these questions is the same: True desire represents the urge of life, to seek a fuller expression, and it is kept alive by continuous expectation of its fulfillment. It brings to us the ways and means for its manifestations.
No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear. No mind can be conscious of a need or a desire unless the possibility of its fulfillment exists. Your prayers, your desires, and your inner urges are like a magnet, and the stronger they are, the stronger the power of your magnet and the greater its attraction. (We learned about desire and expectation in last month’s Prosperity Principle #4 – Principle of Attraction).
You cannot ask too much of creation, because the Creator's source is unlimited, and the supply is inexhaustible. You can only get what you can conceive, and what you can understand. You can only get the equivalent of what you give. The Law is as definite as the law of mathematics. You may receive some things that may appear not good, but yet, good may come through them, just like mistakes and miscalculations in mathematics. You may make many mistakes, which enable you by their correction, to better know these Principles. Once you have made one or several course corrections, you will never repeat the same mistake, so in that way, the Principles have served you well and have supplied you with greater knowledge.
Whoever gives much, receives much. To give your best is to receive the best in ratio to the degree of your giving. The reason why so many people receive so little is because they give out so little. They are poverty-stricken because they refuse to give. They refuse to give because they believe they must receive first before they give. That is the principle in a constricted energy state.
Give and give abundantly. Whatever the nature of your position in life, give and give abundantly. You are to give of your interest, energy, thought, ability, love, appreciation, substance, and helpfulness. In giving of your life, thought, and love, and, in doing so gladly and well whatever you may be called upon to do, you express your best, and the more you give the more you receive.
This does not mean that you are to give to the selfish and thoughtless, but to order your life so that you make full and proper use of your energies, faculties, resources, and talents in useful living. The more we use these energies, faculties, resources, and talents, the stronger they will grow.
I look forward to our next webinar together, where we will be discovering the Prosperity Principle of Increase.
Until then, we remain...
Gratefully yours,
Mai Calev & Team!