Prosperity Principle - 04 Attraction, Manifestation and Creation
I love that in 391 BC, Plato's discovery of the Law of Vibration states, "Like tends towards Like." And, so it is with the Principle of Attraction. The underlying principle that regulates supply in the world of effects has two important phases: The first is desire. The other is expectation.
These mental attitudes represent lines of attractive force. Desire is the positive phase of the principle, and expectation is the negative phase of the principle. Both phases must be complied with to obtain the best results.
The first phase of “DESIRE” embraces a positive process of attraction; that is, when an individual earnestly desires a thing, that person sets up a line of force that connects them with the invisible side of the good desired. Should that person weaken or change in their desires, then that line of energy force is disconnected or misses its goal; but, if a person remains constant in their desire or ambition, the good demanded is sooner or later realized in part or whole.
The underlying principle involved is that “You cannot long or yearn for anything unless it already exists, if not in form, then in substance; and desire is the motive power (or energy) for calling it forth into visible appearance or physical effect.
Desire without Expectation is idle wishing. You simply waste much valuable mental energy doing this. Desire will put you in touch with the inner world of causes and connect you by invisible means with the substance of the thing desired.
There is no use in desiring a thing unless you expect to receive it. Either in part or in full. Then, continuous expectation is necessary to bring it into a reality in your life. Much like the pull of gravity in the physical realm, “expectation” is a drawing force of the mind that acts in the invisible realm. It completes the positive/negative circuitry of energy to bring about the desire.
We all know many people (and, probably including ourselves) who desire good things, but never truly expect nor make any real effort to get them. We all start with good intentions and may get halfway there, but not any further. When we learn to comply with the other half of the process and learn to expect what we desire, that is where the magic happens. That is the principle in action. Then, we can steadily materialize our desires. It’s easier said than done, or everyone would be doing it.
IMPORTANT: NEVER EXPECT A THING YOU DO NOT WANT. We meet people all the time who expect the things they do not want, but which often come. This proves that expectation is a powerful attractive force.
IMPORTANT: NEVER DESIRE A THING YOU DO NOT EXPECT. When you expect a thing, you do not want, you attract the undesirable, and when you desire a thing that is not expected, you simply dissipate valuable mental force (energy). On the other hand, when you constantly expect that which you desire, your ability to attract becomes irresistible. You become a magnet.
Prosperity Principle of Attraction #4 is: "Desire energetically connects you with the thing desired; continuous expectation brings it into your life."
Whatever the circumstance we find ourselves in we can begin right now to operate the law of mind and gradually command more and more of the good in the form of better things, and improved conditions. Nature does not deprive us of any good and desirable thing; but, it has provided us with the mental equipment and inner power to acquire and enjoy all the essential good to ensure a happy and worthwhile existence. Application is the test of adequacy, as knowledge is of little or no value unless it can be used to practical ends.
Form a clear and well-defined picture in your mind of what you desire. Do not specify its particular form or how it will come, but simply desire firmly and gently the greatest amount of good in that direction. You’ll want to avoid a tense state of mind or any condition of strain or anxiety. It’s better to do your mind picturing, in odd moments when in quiet and restful conditions. Let the idea or plan of good unfold into a vivid mental picture, much the same as though you were watching it on a movie screen. Do not force the thought as pressure causes congestion and confusion. The calmer and more peaceful you are, the better the results. The main thing is to hold the thought. Then nourish your desire with a calm, confident, conviction that what you desire will come.
As you persist in that state of mind, the good desired will tend to gravitate towards you. Some results may appear as if by magic. It may also come in degrees over time. In the meantime, you do what you can with what you have, to promote its coming. Action spells results. You take the steps you can take. This supplements your creative mental process and provides a channel for its expression. Then, leave the results to the Principle. As we do our part, the Principle will do the rest. How well or how accurately you cooperate with the principle determines the duration of time required to bring forth your supply.
The mind is a magnet and attracts whatever corresponds to its Ruling State, (which we learned about in Prosperity Principle - 02.) Our Ruling State of Mind is the primary cause of almost everything that comes into our lives, and the sooner we realize this truth, the sooner we shall begin to improve our lives and progress.
The law of mental attraction acts along the same lines as the law of gravity; it is as definite and as accurate.
With the following 3 suggestions, you can note whether or not you are aligned when it comes to utilizing the Law of Attraction properly.
The first step to take is called interest. Interest is paying SPECIAL ATTENTION to some object or thing. It is being concerned about someone or something. Interest is tending to see in the outer world what is already existent in your mind. Things you think of that give you joy, pleasure, wisdom, and satisfaction are interests. Our interests are largely different because we do not think alike; one person may find interest in some things that another would fail to see. We see things in life that interest us the most and pass blindly by that which is of little or no interest to us. It is here where we may be making our mistakes. We may be so interested in things that are not prosperous, joyful, and healthy that we pass by the very things we desire most and overlook the means of our health and prosperity. With our interests so engrossed in seeing the lesser, either through habit or ignorance, we fail to attract the greater things that are all around us. No one is to be blamed for the dissatisfied life but the person creating the life themselves, because they failed to expand their interests WITH their desires.
It’s so easy for people to allow themselves to get into a rut, and it is always a mental rut before it becomes a material one. We drift along unknowingly, unconsciously, and aimlessly into unhappiness and blindness. Our highest interests should govern our thoughts and not material things. The material things are only the means through which we express our interests. A strong magnetic power is rooted in a strong idea or principle. This idea or principle directs our interests, and this in turn develops an inner power of magnetic energy attractiveness.
To have a high interest is not enough. We must also inject this interest into our daily labors. Our ATTENTION must portray our interest, and the keener our interest, the more intense our attention will be. It is our interested attention that attracts from the outside world the facts that are formed in the mind. As we direct our attention to interest, this magnetizes our power of attraction which draws to us much of the same type as our thought. When much of our interest is taken up with our full attention, we shall find that most of our petty and selfish leanings will be absorbed by our higher interests, and we will steadily progress. It is our thought which stimulates interest and directs our attention. Therefore, we should not wander away from the source of our desires and cause the attraction of the things we do not want.
The last step we take is expectation. This is an active form of attention; it is attention with intensity. It can be likened to the actions of a cat that waits patiently at the mouse hole. The cat expects to catch its prize at any moment; he expects to get the mouse because he believes he will get it eventually. If the cat did not believe and expect to catch the mouse, his interest and attention would lack the intensity that is present. His energies would not be so actively called forth. When you believe in the probability of success in your undertaking, you experience the keenest interest in your work. This interest is intensified with expectation and anticipation. Through this, you will draw to you the success you are working for. Your expectations must be built up with your interest and attention. If you are working for success, health, or happiness, you may wish for a lot, but you will only enjoy as much as you can expect. If in your heart you doubt or fear that your need will be met only in part or not at all, you can know that you will receive that much and no more.
When you pray for one thing and then fear and doubt that you will receive it, you diffuse your mental forces (energy) and can attract only what the lesser thoughts believe and expect. When we charge our thoughts so firmly with the idea that there are no failures, then we expect success. Our mind becomes strengthened with our conviction and, like a magnet, draws to us through the principle upheld by whatever desire is uppermost at the time.
To desire is to expect, and to expect is to achieve.
To YOUR continued success and prosperity,
Mai Calev & Team!